Catch the Stellar Awards & Don't Miss Out on "Mastering the Journey"!

Hey everyone!

Just a quick shout-out as we gear up for the Stellar Awards this August 3, 2024. It's always exhilarating to celebrate the best in gospel music, and this year, I'm thrilled not only to attend but also to remind you to grab a copy of my book, "Mastering the Journey: A Guide to a Spirit-Filled Life." This book is close to my heart, and I believe it can make a real difference in your life.

Also, while you’re marking your calendars for the awards, don’t forget to tune into the Nikki Rich Show. It’s an amazing platform where we dive into all things culture, entertainment, and community. Nikki always brings fresh perspectives and inspiring conversations, and I can't wait for you to see what we've got lined up.

Stay blessed, stay inspired, and remember, the journey to mastering your spirit is just a book (or a show!) away.

Love and light,

Jeremy B. Sims


Advocacy in Action Jeremy Sims Connecting Wellness through Literacy


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